Shepherds Glen
Versatile Australian Shepherds
You did not wake up today to be mediocre.
AKC GCHB /ASCA CH 2RCoolmoorSunFire No Quarter Given CD STDcds REMX DNA-VP
Owner: Renee Watson
Breeders: Renee Watson, Laura Clayton & Amy Burnette

April 14, 2013
Color: Blue Merle with Copper Eyes: L-Brown / R - Blue
Health Clearances: MDR1 - n/n HC - n/HC
Hips - Good Elbows - Normal
Dentition: Full / Scissor Bite
Red Factored
Degen is a loving, talkative guy who has the world by the tail. His problem solving abilities are off the chart. There is nothing he can't tackle. He's a fearless agility and stock dog. Degen loves Obedience and Rally. His stock work is coming along wonderfully and the amount of "push" we're seeing on cattle is super.
Career Highlights:
- Both Championships were finished from the Bred By Exhibitor class handled by Renee.
- Degen finished his AKC Grand Championship in short order and has since achieved Bronze level.
- Ranked Top 30 Intact in ASCA 2017, 2018, 2019 and Altered 2020.
- He won the "Most Promising Started" belt buckle at the 2016 WASC of GA Fall Stock Trial.
- We've reached the ASCA REMX title in Rally and hope to have his RTCH soon.
- Degen has his CD in Obedience and is in training to move on to ODX.