Shepherds Glen
Versatile Australian Shepherds
You did not wake up today to be mediocre.
RTCH Sunfire's I'm On a Roll CDX RTX

Owner: Renee Watson
Breeder: David Clayton & Renee Watson

April 19, 2015
Color: Black Tri with Copper
Full Dentition
Health Clearances: MDR1 - n/n HC - n/n
Dice is a happy go lucky hooligan. There is no situation so serious that Dice can't find a game to play. He's shown some stock instinct and is doing really well in his beginning Obedience and Rally classes.
- Dice has kicked off his Rally career in fine fashion by earning his RNX, RAX and REX titles. He does have his RM, but we are working toward the RMX. He loves working and does it with style.
- Dice has earned his CDX and is training for his UD title.
- 22/23 ASCA Rally To 20 list.
We were so happy to team up with Sunfire Kennels again for another wonderful litter.